Have a comfortable budget, that price is uphill. It may seem like a normal cost, but for those who are just starting and do not Professional with years of experience in the design and management of projects, Free AutoCAD AlternativesĪn AutoCAD license is approximately $ 1,500 per year.
The cost of this fabulous tool and the fact that Autodesk is forcing product users to buy a subscription-based license instead of obtaining a full one, has led CAD professionals to search the market for other cheaper alternatives or free as we recommend in this article. But why buy an AutoCAD license that is no longer in perpetuity – if you can do the same with other alternative software? Especially micro companies and professionals in engineering, architecture and graphic design, who work on their own or students and fans of any of these branches of knowledge.įree AutoCAD Alternatives: Who can pay for an AutoCAD license, is making a good investment, because it is a very versatile 2D and 3D modeling and design software, with applications in various industries and ideal for project management. The problem is in the price, which not all users are able to pay. Free AutoCAD Alternatives: AutoCAD is recognized as the oldest, most reliable, easy-to-use CAD computer-aided drawing software.